Math Trade

Fire & Ice 2024 – The Math Trade| BoardGameGeek
The 2024 Fire & Ice convention (in Manitowoc, WI) is fast approaching, and our tradition – for many years now – is to have a no-ship math trade. Past years’ trades have been hugely successful, with hundreds of items on offer and usually with a high percentage trading (typically 25-30%).

Items can be added from now through February 14th (10pm).

“Want Lists” can be submitted from that time, through Tuesday, February 20th (10pm).

The trade GeekList is here:

The request list is here:

The exchange will be at noon on Saturday at the con. 

*A BGG account is required to participate – accounts are free.

What is a math trade?

Check out this page on BGG for additional information. The following paragraph is from their website:

“This is a trade between a whole bunch of people at once, using an algorithm to decide who should send their game to whom. Because of the algorithm used, you can only get a game you prefer over what you started with. (Or at worst, you may just keep your original game.)

Sometimes this kind of trade is called a “mathematical no-risk trade list.” This is just a longer name for the same thing.”